2014 - Kenya Medical

Day 2: Medical Clinic in Vipingo

The medical team headed to Vipingo this morning and spent the day with the kids at our school. We saw all of our students in the medical clinic and in the dental clinic. We also treated members of the surrounding community. Our Fox River Team worked beside the Kenyan translators and medical team, forming friendships and solid teamwork. The collaboration among the team was very encouraging. Our team learned so much and provided quality care for hundreds of people today.1 Abigale




Maranga A word from Jodie: Today was one of those experiences that I will never forget. Denis is a little six-year-old boy that had his foot run over by a motorbike several weeks ago. He walked up to me with his forearm crutches and his dad requesting we change his bandage in a private area away from the crowd. I picked him up and he clenched onto me as if he would never let go. We walked into the nurses room and I laid him down on the bed. His strength was unbelievable. He never flinched as I gently took his old bandage off, washed the wound, and wrapped his foot in a new gauze. After we were through, as I held Denis, his father, interpreters and I held hands and prayed over the little boy for healing. It's amazing to me how such a little man could have such great strength. image (2)

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A Word from Michelle: What a way to begin this mission! There were precious moments looking out at the church (where we held the clinic) to find familiar faces and smiles looking back at me from VBS the previous week. Many children in Vipingo have become so dear to my heart so I knew it would be challenging to leave. One dear friend was crying...I asked "why the tears?" As tears hit the cement, she grabbed my hand and said "you know why!" It was a beautiful moment for both of us to praise God. We praise Him for the missions within Fox River. Praise Him for creating these relationships. And praise Him through the tears for deepening our love for God and his people. image (3)

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Day 1: Arrival, church & teambuilding

The team arrived safely after 3am. They checked into the hotel, got settled in, and had a few hours to nap before church. We attended Crossroads Fellowship in Nyali where missionary Jim Horne is the pastor. Our own Pastor Guy gave the message today as he finished his 3 week series here on saying yes to God. I believe it was a great message for our team to hear today! The church service was very nice and we enjoyed worshiping with the Kenyan's who call Crossroads their home church. Following church we headed to Kilifi beach to have a teambuilding afternoon with our Kenyan partners. We spent time having a delicious traditional meal and getting to know the wonderful translator team and medical/dental team that we will be serving with all week. God has truly put together a great team dedicated to helping others. We are all looking forward to getting started tomorrow.

More pics to come... name tags

Prep day

The summer team headed to their safari today so Michelle and I worked with Liz, preparing for the medical clinics next week. We printed out the physical exam forms to be used when the children are seen by the team of doctors. To make the process more efficient, we spent the day at 2 of the schools recording the demographic info, height, and weight for each child. This was a fun day spending more time with the children and teachers.
Michelle getting weights...


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I took height measurements....
Until I could find help with that exhausting task :-)

helper Liz was a great help recording the info on the exam sheets...(not to mention pronouncing their names) helper Liz And after the work at the centers we got back to the hotel and began prep for the next day. prep Did I mention the large insects they have here? bug Don't worry team, we have plenty of work to do once you arrive! The work we get done these next couple days will allow us to see more people during the clinic days. We are excited as the time approaches quickly!


The medical team has been working very hard over the past months to collect supplies to bring to Kenya for the medical clinics. Thank you to all who made donations, helped with packing day and helped collect supplies and vitamins. We will be able to work with the children in our centers and in the communities, providing basic health care and health promotion because of the hard work and generosity of many people. supplies


The team leaves Fox River Friday night to begin their travels here. Michelle and I will be praying for your safe journey and looking forward to beginning our mission work with you. Safe journey friends. See you soon.