Still going strong

Time has been going so fast and so are our projects! God has been blessing us with great weather. At this point we are getting into the routine of setting our alarms for 6am and then the monkeys wake us up by going crazy outside our rooms by 5am! This morning some of the guys got up and went for a hike on the mountain because the monkeys were really loud. It ended up that something had happened to a baby monkey that the saw along the trail. After that the rest of the day was a normal workday. We got up to the clinic and all of our kids were there waiting for us to start working. Such a great way to start our day off! The medical staff went out into the community and got to see some people. It was a great way for them to see more of the area. Because we are up in the mountains we don't really see many people out and about. Being able to be taken up the mountain in a truck and really getting to see how people live was eye opening. A few of us also got to take a 10 minute walk up to see the soccer outreach that Pastor Dennis runs. Bob had a bunch of hats that he brought to give away as well as some shirts that were donated. It was powerful to give out the hats and the shirts to kids who have never experienced anything like that before. Their faces just lit up when they put that hat on! God worked in some really powerful ways today in many of the guy's lives. Please pray for them as they process through the things have been experiencing. The week has been flying by and relationships have been started. As we are starting to look toward the end of our projects it will start to hit the team that they have to say goodbye to their new friends that have been working side by side with them all week. Thank you for your prayers and support!


The guys were off to a good start!


But it looks like the girls could be off to a better start!


A boy becomes a man!


This is lunch cooking. any one have any ideas on what it is???


Eric was our monkey- He was all over the place!


One of the houses we went to see.


Tracy is looking at a sick baby when we were out.


The kids were all over today- they started playing on the playground before it was done. I think they were a little sad that we were putting up bars so they wont fall off the sides. Haha.


Working hard!



We had the guys cutting all day long!


When a girl cant do it on her own...she dosnt go get a guy to help...she gets another girl!


Bob giving out his hats.


The kids with their new look.


The first part of the roof going up!


End of day 3



The end of the day(part 2)...our kids have already taken over the playground!