Vipingo VBS Day

We were able to have another great day in Vipingo today with the students.  We started the day off bright and early, meeting with all of the students and getting them name visors. They looked very smart in those visors, I will tell you! We then dispersed into our groups and had fun doing VBS with all the different classes.  It was fun for me to get to watch the students interact with the children, and have fun while sharing the love of Christ. We were able to partner with the class 7 students, and really get to know them.  It was awesome getting to watch them take over leadership roles in the group, and see where their gifts really shine. We then were able to serve our classes lunch, and play with the kids.  It was a little bittersweet, because besides saying goodbye to them on Thursday, this is the last time we will get to play with the students. Please pray for our team, as we process those emotions! 


Today was an amazing and spiritually impactful day. We had a VBS day in  Vipingo school. The games were exhausting, and the lunch was AMAZING. Beans and rice are way better than I ever would have thought. After lunch, we went into one of the small villages. We prayed with an old woman that didn't even remember how old she was. She had lived so many years and said she had never received Jesus. So we prayed with her and we brought her to Christ. It was so powerful and moving, and totally a God moment. We kept walking and met some other families and prayed with them. We brought a husband and a wife to Christ. He was laughing and making lots of jokes and was so funny, even though I didn't understand exactly what he was saying, because I don't speak Swahili. It was very powerful and moving. Today was great.




Today was our Vacation Bible School day at the Vipingo School. It was so awesome to see how happy the kids were when they were singing songs, making bracelets, and playing games.  I was in the games group and some of the games we played were follow the leader, throwing balls through a hula hoop, and jump rope and the kids loved it so much. Each group had some helpers from class 7 and so after we were done with all our activities we got to visit some of our helper's homes. We walked through the village of Vipingo seeing the small shops, mud huts, and small children running around. The students house that we went to was nicer than most and his family was very welcoming. They even climbed a tree to offer us coconuts. We then got a tour of his home and prayed for the family. I really enjoyed visiting the home and seeing the village because I can understand the culture more and where these kids came from.
